Research & Client Engagement

Foossa works with multinational corporations, governments, multilateral institutions, non-profits, and startups to help them better understand how the people in their communities interact with technology, brands, and each other.     

Our cultural and behavioral research has taken us to Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and across the Americas. We operate from the centers of bustling metropolises to the outer fringes of the infrastructural grid. We immerse ourselves in local contexts to understand of the rhythms of daily life and connect our observations with broader global trends and phenomena.  

Examples of our work include:

  • Helping an international labor union understand how networked technologies will change labor organizing;
  • Providing analysis for a national government and major financial institution to develop more inclusive banking services;
  • Advising a major social network on the varied meanings of friendship; 
  • Researching ways to help low-income communities in India gain access to affordable clean drinking water.

Contact us to learn more and to discuss ways to collaborate.